Refurbishment Programme
The purpose of the refurbishment that took place in 2014, was to meet the needs of children and young people living in and around Stretham, of disabled children from across East Cambridgeshire and to create a local divisibility-friendly resource for other local people and groups. Funding gained was used to make the building fit for purpose having had no serious maintenance for over 25 years. In addition to the need for urgent repair works to the roof, window/door frames, toilets, electrics, faulty heating system, the interior and kitchen area were very shabby, and there was not any disability access of any kind. Now the first phase of the refurbishment is completed, the renovated building is providing a platform for a whole range of different activities.
Following significant consultation with local young and adult residents, local community organisations and some public sector organisations between 2010 and 2013, and following a professional building audit carried out by Cambridgeshire ACRE, a strong case was established for the need to refurbish the village Youth Club during 2013.
Towards the end of 2013, we engaged award-winning Cambridge-based Architects, Haysom, Ward, Miller, to produce a detailed Schedule of Works. The work was carried out by a local firm B.S.V Construction. Several ex club members worked on the project as they were employed by the contactors.
Thanks to donations of gravel from Mick George and Frimstones, of soil fromRachel and David Watts, tires from local tyre dealers, a financial donation from Emmaus and the hard work of Kev and Bel Bell, our rear garden project is now complete. We are looking forward to seeing plants grow over the next few months and to the cooking sessions with the produce.
Future Plans
We are fortunate in owning a large shed at the front of the building. Future plans are to convert the shed into a 2nd hand shop, leaving some space for storage and a workshop. Children and young people would be involved in the running of the shop. The project will bring in a regular income for the centre.
Alongside the conversion of the shed we plan, in the future to pull down and rebuild the front wall which is currently in a poor state of repair.
Update 2024
Sensory Garden
With grateful thanks to the D and J Lloyd Foundation and East Cambridgeshire County Council the Youth Centre obtained the funding needed to develop and build a sensory garden for the centre. A well used area for all of the attendees of the centre.
The centre also became home to 6 chickens, who supply our projects with eggs and provide the centre of an income from the sales of any left over eggs.
Also in 2024 funding was raised to carry out a much needed refurbishment and repair of the Barn, again this project was carried out by an ex member of the youth centre, Matthew Cole of MDC Building Services, who contributed time to the project. We are also gratefull to the Access Foundation for their finacial support in making this project possible.